Stop Waiting

Make your adventure happen now. Stop asking if it fits into your life and start asking how it fits. It may not look like how you ultimately want it to look, but you can do it now.

Get creative. Work with what you’ve got. Make it a priority.

Not if. How.

Want to travel more? Start with camping or a staycation. Want an online store? Start with a small Etsy shop. Want a side gig? Start now with something you can do in pockets of time. Want to change careers? Take courses and do research. Want to buy a house? Start saving and making a plan. Want to give back in big ways? Start with anything right now that fits your budget. Want to host people in your home? Do it now.

Not if. How. We gotta stop waiting.

What is something that popped into your head while reading this?? What is an adventure you can make happen now??

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Megan BurnsComment