Did you know that centuries and centuries ago some commanders and groups of people (the Vikings for example) would land in an area they wanted to take over or conquer and upon arriving they would literally burn their ships before heading into battle?

Read that again. They would BURN THEIR SHIPS.

Sounds kinda crazy, right?

Why in the world would they burn their ships?! That is their way back! That is their exit plan! That is their fall back! Their safety! Their security! I mean...what if they failed?!

Those questions and doubts are exactly why they burned their ships.

They wanted to go into battle with zero options to not win. They wanted to know they had to make this work. They had to keep going until it happened...there was no plan B.

Is your mindset fully committed to your goal or business?

Because here is the deal, friend....it is more about your mindset than the skills you need. It is more about your mindset than the knowledge you think you need before starting. It is more about your mindset than how fast you grow. It is more about your mindset than even your end goal.

Are you determined to make it work? Are you committed to passionately showing up even when you dont feel like it? Are you willing to burn your ships and not look back? To keep showing up and doing the necessary work until you see your goals achieved?

Because THAT mindset will take you all the way to that goal. I would bet money on it every single time.


xo Meg
