Avoiding Overwhelm

We get overwhelmed by too much input and not enough output.

I’ve heard my friend Courtney say this over and over throughout the years and it is so true.

When I’m feeling overwhelmed in life it’s usually because I’m trying to be as optimized as possible. Check lists. Saving time. Help as many people as possible. Super efficient. Read the books. Listen to the podcast. The list goes on and on.

But if I’m only taking in all the ways to grow and learn and ‘get better’ and I’m not actually doing anything to put it into practice, then I am stuck in a hamster wheel of going nowhere.

Learn something. Do something. Learn something. Do something. This is a new mantra of mine.

Figure out what is stressing me out. One thing. Not one thousand. And do something to make it better.

Do you sometimes get stuck in this cycle too?? If so, I hope this tip helps!!

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