Megan Burns

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Anxious with Anticipation For This Year

I am feeling so anxious with anticipation for this year. Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely a little apprehensive given the one we are walking out of but even in the midst of that, I have so much hope for this year.

I almost feel like I’m nesting for the season ahead. Any other mamas relate? I’m prepping and praying and organizing and dreaming. I’m working on projects that will make things easier later. I’m organizing stuff so I have more mental energy to pour into other things. See what I mean on the ‘nesting’ stuff? I feel like I’m buzzing with expectation of GOOD things that will happen.

How are you feeling in this season? Weary? Hopeful? Apprehensive? Excited? All of the above? Comment and share!

xo Meg

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