Grab a cup of coffee…let’s chat! Many of the conversations I have been having lately have centered around God’s calling on our lives. Specifically, what it looks like to know and then what it looks like to live it out. I am not necessarily talking about the overall calling of our lives but rather specific things that the Lord asks us to do.


Maybe the Lord asked you to move away from family, or forgive someone close to you that really hurt you, or maybe He asked you to adopt. Whatever it is, He asked you to do something that was hard. Maybe it wasn’t just hard but it also seemed a bit ‘crazy’ or ‘extreme’ to those around you. Even in spite of that you moved forward in obedience.


Now what?


When I am in the Lord’s will I experience an odd sense of peace even in the midst of turmoil and change. That is usually how I know that it really truly is the Lord that is calling me into something. But you want some honesty? That doesn’t mean that it isn’t hard.


I always wish that I had more encouraging words to share with other adoptive mamas when they are in the middle of a hard season with their little one. I wish I could honestly say things like ‘it will get better’ or ‘this too shall pass’ but I can’t. Why? Because adoption is hard. There are so many dynamics and people and loss and hurt and grief and joy and hopefully healing involved that every single person’s journey is so different. But you know what I can say? That just because the Lord called you into something doesn’t mean it will be easy. And even though those words can sting a little, there is peace in that. That He is still the author of your story. That He is still for you. That He hasn’t forgotten you.


Those are the truths that I cling to in the lonely spaces when I need to know that all of the sacrifice and work is for something. When the Lord calls us to something it does not mean it is easy to say ‘yes’ or that it will be easy once you say ‘yes’. But there is always a reason and He is always for our good. And that is a truth that I am happy to know.

Hear me say that you are doing a great job.

xo Meg