We are big lovers of Disney. Since moving to Florida we have gone several times a year and love it so very much. It is absolutely our family’s home away from home!

With the pandemic regulations, obviously there are some things that are different. I have gotten a lot of questions about if it’s still worth it and what I would recommend, etc…so here are my pros and cons!!

Let’s start with the CHANGES:

  • Masks. Obviously wearing masks all day is not ideal but let me also share some tips. We have been twice now since masks have been required. Once in September and then again in December. September was HOT and the masks were much more annoying because we were hot and sweaty. In December it truly wasn’t bad at all because the weather was perfect (we wore sweatshirts most of the day). You can take your masks off in specified rest spots as well as anytime you are stationary and actively eating. So grabbing a meal or a snack and sitting down for a bit is a great break!

  • They take your temperature before entering the park. Im not sure if it’s because of this but the security lines tend to move much quicker because of some different technology they are using to scan bags. So that is great!

  • The lines are spaced out, as well are the seats on the actual rides. The lines being spread out kind of messes with your head because they LOOK a lot longer when in reality they are MUCH shorter.

  • Some restaurants and shows weren’t open when we were last there but it sounded like they were opening more and more things. And most were open!

  • They are doing parades instead of character meetings…which is great with us because we love watching the parades.

I think those are most of the changes at the parks! Now here are some of my favorite perks for going right now:

  • Smaller crowds

  • Shorter/faster lines

  • They are doing an awesome job with parades and characters on balconies and chatting/waving. It is super fun!

  • As an introvert, I kind of like the spaced out lines lol. On our last trip I told Tom that im going to miss having more personal space when things are back to normal.

While things are obviously different…it is still so magical. We absolutely plan to go back asap! I am always here to help with questions or info, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!

xo Meg